XSB1671 : myelin basic protein, isoform CRA_c [Homo sapiens]
[ CaMP Format ]
This entry is computationally expanded from SB0045
* Basic Information
Organism | Homo sapiens (human) |
Protein Names | myelin basic protein; isoform CRA_c |
Gene Names | MBP |
Gene Locus | Not available |
GO Function | Not available |
* Information From OMIM
Not Available.
* Structure Information
1. Primary Information
Length: 305 aa
Average Mass: 33.202 kDa
Monoisotopic Mass: 33.182 kDa
2. Domain Information
Annotated Domains: Not Available.
Computationally Assigned Domains (Pfam+HMMER):
domain name | begin | end | score | e-value |
DASH_Hsk3 1. | 115 | 148 | -7.6 | 7 |
Myelin_MBP 1. | 151 | 304 | 346.3 | 5.8e-101 |
--- cleavage 233 (inside Myelin_MBP 151..304) --- |
3. Sequence Information
Fasta Sequence: XSB1671.fasta
Amino Acid Sequence and Secondary Structures (PsiPred):
4. 3D Information
Not Available.
* Cleavage Information
1 [sites]
Cleavage sites (±10aa)
Thr233 Pro
![]() |
P10 | P9 | P8 | P7 | P6 | P5 | P4 | P3 | P2 | P1 |
Phe224 | Phe225 | Lys226 | Asn227 | Ile228 | Val229 | Thr230 | Pro231 | Arg232 | Thr233 |
![]() |
P1' | P2' | P3' | P4' | P5' | P6' | P7' | P8' | P9' | P10' |
Pro234 | Pro235 | Pro236 | Ser237 | Gln238 | Gly239 | Lys240 | Gly241 | Arg242 | Gly243 |
Sequence conservation (by blast)
* References
[PubMed ID: 11181995] Venter JC, Adams MD, Myers EW, Li PW, Mural RJ, Sutton GG, Smith HO, Yandell M, Evans CA, Holt RA, Gocayne JD, Amanatides P, Ballew RM, Huson DH, Wortman JR, Zhang Q, Kodira CD, Zheng XH, Chen L, Skupski M, Subramanian G, Thomas PD, Zhang J, Gabor Miklos GL, Nelson C, Broder S, Clark AG, Nadeau J, McKusick VA, Zinder N, Levine AJ, Roberts RJ, Simon M, Slayman C, Hunkapiller M, Bolanos R, Delcher A, Dew I, Fasulo D, Flanigan M, Florea L, Halpern A, Hannenhalli S, Kravitz S, Levy S, Mobarry C, Reinert K, Remington K, Abu-Threideh J, Beasley E, Biddick K, Bonazzi V, Brandon R, Cargill M, Chandramouliswaran I, Charlab R, Chaturvedi K, Deng Z, Di Francesco V, Dunn P, Eilbeck K, Evangelista C, Gabrielian AE, Gan W, Ge W, Gong F, Gu Z, Guan P, Heiman TJ, Higgins ME, Ji RR, Ke Z, Ketchum KA, Lai Z, Lei Y, Li Z, Li J, Liang Y, Lin X, Lu F, Merkulov GV, Milshina N, Moore HM, Naik AK, Narayan VA, Neelam B, Nusskern D, Rusch DB, Salzberg S, Shao W, Shue B, Sun J, Wang Z, Wang A, Wang X, Wang J, Wei M, Wides R, Xiao C, Yan C, Yao A, Ye J, Zhan M, Zhang W, Zhang H, Zhao Q, Zheng L, Zhong F, Zhong W, Zhu S, Zhao S, Gilbert D, Baumhueter S, Spier G, Carter C, Cravchik A, Woodage T, Ali F, An H, Awe A, Baldwin D, Baden H, Barnstead M, Barrow I, Beeson K, Busam D, Carver A, Center A, Cheng ML, Curry L, Danaher S, Davenport L, Desilets R, Dietz S, Dodson K, Doup L, Ferriera S, Garg N, Gluecksmann A, Hart B, Haynes J, Haynes C, Heiner C, Hladun S, Hostin D, Houck J, Howland T, Ibegwam C, Johnson J, Kalush F, Kline L, Koduru S, Love A, Mann F, May D, McCawley S, McIntosh T, McMullen I, Moy M, Moy L, Murphy B, Nelson K, Pfannkoch C, Pratts E, Puri V, Qureshi H, Reardon M, Rodriguez R, Rogers YH, Romblad D, Ruhfel B, Scott R, Sitter C, Smallwood M, Stewart E, Strong R, Suh E, Thomas R, Tint NN, Tse S, Vech C, Wang G, Wetter J, Williams S, Williams M, Windsor S, Winn-Deen E, Wolfe K, Zaveri J, Zaveri K, Abril JF, Guigo R, Campbell MJ, Sjolander KV, Karlak B, Kejariwal A, Mi H, Lazareva B, Hatton T, Narechania A, Diemer K, Muruganujan A, Guo N, Sato S, Bafna V, Istrail S, Lippert R, Schwartz R, Walenz B, Yooseph S, Allen D, Basu A, Baxendale J, Blick L, Caminha M, Carnes-Stine J, Caulk P, Chiang YH, Coyne M, Dahlke C, Mays A, Dombroski M, Donnelly M, Ely D, Esparham S, Fosler C, Gire H, Glanowski S, Glasser K, Glodek A, Gorokhov M, Graham K, Gropman B, Harris M, Heil J, Henderson S, Hoover J, Jennings D, Jordan C, Jordan J, Kasha J, Kagan L, Kraft C, Levitsky A, Lewis M, Liu X, Lopez J, Ma D, Majoros W, McDaniel J, Murphy S, Newman M, Nguyen T, Nguyen N, Nodell M, Pan S, Peck J, Peterson M, Rowe W, Sanders R, Scott J, Simpson M, Smith T, Sprague A, Stockwell T, Turner R, Venter E, Wang M, Wen M, Wu D, Wu M, Xia A, Zandieh A, Zhu X, The sequence of the human genome. Science. 2001 Feb 16;291(5507):1304-51.