logo CaMPDB: Calpain for Modulatory Proteolysis Database

XSB1891 : calpain, small subunit 1 [Homo sapiens]

[ CaMP Format ]

This entry is computationally expanded from SB0017

* Basic Information

OrganismHomo sapiens (human)
Protein NamesCalpain small subunit 1; CSS1; Calcium-dependent protease small subunit 1; Calcium-dependent protease small subunit; CDPS; Calpain regulatory subunit; Calcium-activated neutral proteinase small subunit; CANP small subunit; calpain; small subunit 1; calcium-activated neutral proteinase; small polypeptide; calpain 4; small subunit (30K); calcium-dependent protease; small subunit
Gene NamesCAPNS1; CAPN4, CAPNS; CAPN4; CAPNS; calpain, small subunit 1
Gene Locus19q13.12; chromosome 19
GO FunctionNot available
Entrez Protein Entrez Nucleotide Entrez Gene UniProt OMIM HGNC HPRD KEGG
NP_001740 NM_001749 826 P04632 114170 1481 N/A hsa:826

* Information From OMIM

Description: Calcium-dependent cysteine proteinases, or calpains (EC, are widely distributed in mammalian cells. There are 2 distinct molecular forms, calpains I and II, which differ in the quantity of calcium required. Both calpains I and II are heterodimeric; each is composed of 1 heavy (about 80 kD), CAPN1 (OMIM:114220) and CAPN2 (OMIM:114230), respectively, and 1 shared light (about 30 kD) subunit, CAPNS1. The heavy subunit has a catalytic function, and the light subunit is regulatory.

* Structure Information

1. Primary Information

Length: 268 aa

Average Mass: 28.316 kDa

Monoisotopic Mass: 28.298 kDa

2. Domain Information

Annotated Domains: interpro / pfam / smart / prosite

Computationally Assigned Domains (Pfam+HMMER):

domain namebeginendscoree-value
DUF2078 1. 10110-21.31.5
--- cleavage 141 ---
efhand 1. 14317118.40.03
efhand 2. 17320116.30.13
efhand 3. 2092360.917
efhand 4. 2382658.22.7

3. Sequence Information

Fasta Sequence: XSB1891.fasta

Amino Acid Sequence and Secondary Structures (PsiPred):

4. 3D Information

Known Structures in PDB: 1KFU (X-ray; 250 A; S=85-268), 1KFX (X-ray; 315 A; S=85-268)

* Cleavage Information

1 [sites]

Cleavage sites (±10aa)


Ile141 Asp

P10 P9 P8 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1
P1' P2' P3' P4' P5' P6' P7' P8' P9' P10'

Sequence conservation (by blast)

* References

[PubMed ID: 18761085] Pamonsinlapatham P, Gril B, Dufour S, Hadj-Slimane R, Gigoux V, Pethe S, L'hoste S, Camonis J, Garbay C, Raynaud F, Vidal M, Capns1, a new binding partner of RasGAP-SH3 domain in K-Ras(V12) oncogenic cells: modulation of cell survival and migration. Cell Signal. 2008 Nov;20(11):2119-26. Epub 2008 Aug 13.

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