logo CaMPDB: Calpain for Modulatory Proteolysis Database

XSB2070 : microtubule-associated protein 2 isoform 2 [Homo sapiens]

[ CaMP Format ]

This entry is computationally expanded from SB0057

* Basic Information

OrganismHomo sapiens (human)
Protein NamesMicrotubule-associated protein 2; MAP-2; microtubule-associated protein 2 isoform 2
Gene NamesMAP2; microtubule-associated protein 2
Gene Locus2q34-q35; chromosome 2
GO FunctionNot available
Entrez Protein Entrez Nucleotide Entrez Gene UniProt OMIM HGNC HPRD KEGG
NP_114033 NM_031845 4133 P11137 157130 6839 N/A hsa:4133

* Information From OMIM

Function: Pregnenolone (PREG) and a synthetic analog, MePREG, bind to MAP2 and stimulate microtubule polymerization. Fontaine-Lenoir et al. (2006) found that PREG, MePREG, and progesterone (PROG), the metabolite of PREG, significantly enhanced neurite outgrowth of NGF (see NGFB; OMIM:162030)-treated rat PC12 pheochromocytoma cells. Map2 RNA interference prevented the stimulatory effect of PREG and MePREG, but not PROG, on neurite extension. Fontaine-Lenoir et al. (2006) concluded that MAP2 is a specific PREG and MePREG receptor.

* Structure Information

1. Primary Information

Length: 471 aa

Average Mass: 49.640 kDa

Monoisotopic Mass: 49.611 kDa

2. Domain Information

Annotated Domains: interpro / pfam / smart / prosite

Computationally Assigned Domains (Pfam+HMMER):

domain namebeginendscoree-value
RII_binding_1 1. 8610319.20.017
--- cleavage 99 (inside RII_binding_1 86..103) ---
Drf_FH1 1. 135298-37.32.9
Tubulin-binding 1. 30433564.34.4e-16
Tubulin-binding 2. 33636666.01.4e-16
Tubulin-binding 3. 36739855.12.6e-13

3. Sequence Information

Fasta Sequence: XSB2070.fasta

Amino Acid Sequence and Secondary Structures (PsiPred):

4. 3D Information

Not Available.

* Cleavage Information

1 [sites]

Cleavage sites (±10aa)


Thr99 Ala

P10 P9 P8 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1
P1' P2' P3' P4' P5' P6' P7' P8' P9' P10'

Sequence conservation (by blast)

* References

[PubMed ID: 19369632] Gambichler T, Rotterdam S, Radkowski K, Altmeyer P, Kreuter A, Differential expression of microtubule-associated protein 2 in melanocytic skin lesions. Am J Clin Pathol. 2009 May;131(5):710-4.

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