logo CaMPDB: Calpain for Modulatory Proteolysis Database

XSB2129 : amphiphysin I variant NT2 [Homo sapiens]

[ CaMP Format ]

This entry is computationally expanded from SB0093

* Basic Information

OrganismHomo sapiens (human)
Protein Namesamphiphysin I variant NT2
Gene NamesAMPH
Gene LocusNot available
GO FunctionNot available
Entrez Protein Entrez Nucleotide Entrez Gene UniProt OMIM HGNC HPRD KEGG
AAM44811 N/A N/A Q8NFL3 N/A N/A N/A hsa:

* Information From OMIM

Not Available.

* Structure Information

1. Primary Information

Length: 385 aa

Average Mass: 43.754 kDa

Monoisotopic Mass: 43.726 kDa

2. Domain Information

Annotated Domains: interpro / pfam / smart / prosite

Computationally Assigned Domains (Pfam+HMMER):

domain namebeginendscoree-value
BAR 1. 13233288.11.9e-83

3. Sequence Information

Fasta Sequence: XSB2129.fasta

Amino Acid Sequence and Secondary Structures (PsiPred):

4. 3D Information

Not Available.

* Cleavage Information

1 [sites]

Cleavage sites (±10aa)


Ser336 Val

P10 P9 P8 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1
P1' P2' P3' P4' P5' P6' P7' P8' P9' P10'

Sequence conservation (by blast)

* References

[PubMed ID: 12023042] Terada Y, Tsutsui K, Sano K, Hosoya O, Ohtsuki H, Tokunaga A, Tsutsui K, Novel splice variants of amphiphysin I are expressed in retina. FEBS Lett. 2002 May 22;519(1-3):185-90.