logo CaMPDB: Calpain for Modulatory Proteolysis Database

XSB2192 : cardiac titin [Canis familiaris]

[ CaMP Format ]

This entry is computationally expanded from SB0101

* Basic Information

OrganismCanis lupus familiaris (dog)
Protein Namescardiac titin
Gene NamesTTN
Gene LocusNot available
GO FunctionNot available
Entrez Protein Entrez Nucleotide Entrez Gene UniProt OMIM HGNC HPRD KEGG

* Information From OMIM

Not Available.

* Structure Information

1. Primary Information

Length: 3950 aa

Average Mass: 436.786 kDa

Monoisotopic Mass: 436.512 kDa

2. Domain Information

Annotated Domains: interpro / pfam / smart / prosite

Computationally Assigned Domains (Pfam+HMMER):

domain namebeginendscoree-value
I-set 1. 4413360.09.1e-15
I-set 2. 137226116.01.3e-31
I-set 3. 23332286.11.3e-22
I-set 4. 329418129.89e-36
I-set 5. 422512110.36.6e-30
I-set 6. 516605132.61.2e-36
I-set 7. 60969990.65.4e-24
I-set 8. 70379296.68.5e-26
I-set 9. 799888100.84.8e-27
I-set 10. 892981106.87.2e-29
I-set 11. 985107478.62.3e-20
I-set 12. 10781167101.43.2e-27
I-set 13. 1174126384.34.3e-22
I-set 14. 12701359110.65.3e-30
I-set 15. 1363145391.13.9e-24
I-set 16. 1457154689.89.5e-24
I-set 17. 1550164083.57.7e-22
I-set 18. 16441733109.98.6e-30
I-set 19. 1740182996.01.3e-25
I-set 20. 1833192295.02.7e-25
I-set 21. 1926201577.45.3e-20
I-set 22. 20192108131.03.8e-36
I-set 23. 21152204100.07.9e-27
I-set 24. 22112300135.32e-37
I-set 25. 2307239780.37e-21
I-set 26. 24042493118.22.8e-32
I-set 27. 2512260284.63.4e-22
--- cleavage 2564 (inside I-set 2512..2602) ---
Nuc_rec_co-act 1. 26292675-1.37.3
I-set 28. 2714280033.58.6e-07
I-set 29. 2803288756.88e-14
I-set 30. 2892298168.23e-17
PPAK 1. 303530620.647
PPAK 2. 326132865.26.7
PPAK 3. 328733143.315
PPAK 4. 3315334125.30.00025
PPAK 5. 3342336823.20.0011
PPAK 6. 3369339633.96.3e-07
PPAK 7. 3397342431.04.9e-06
PPAK 8. 3425345233.58.5e-07
PPAK 9. 3551357836.69.7e-08
PPAK 10. 3579360615.70.073
PPAK 11. 3610363510.20.77
PPAK 12. 3636365910.60.65
PPAK 13. 3660368626.20.00014
PPAK 14. 3687371430.75.9e-06

3. Sequence Information

Fasta Sequence: XSB2192.fasta

Amino Acid Sequence and Secondary Structures (PsiPred):

4. 3D Information

Not Available.

* Cleavage Information

1 [sites]

Cleavage sites (±10aa)


Lys2564 Gly

P10 P9 P8 P7 P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1
P1' P2' P3' P4' P5' P6' P7' P8' P9' P10'

Sequence conservation (by blast)

* References

[PubMed ID: 12785098] Greaser ML, Berri M, Warren CM, Mozdziak PE, Species variations in cDNA sequence and exon splicing patterns in the extensible I-band region of cardiac titin: relation to passive tension. J Muscle Res Cell Motil. 2002;23(5-6):473-82.